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The UEB: commencement for 634 students and graduates

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son awards the diploma to the new masters
On 30th June 2012, the VNU University of Economics and Business has solemnly organized the commencement for 252 students and 382 graduates.

Attending to the ceremony was Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc - VNU Vice President ĐHQGHN, representatives of VNU’s departments and centers; representatives of UEB’s partners such as: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group, Bao Son Group, Gami Group, Hanoi Trade Corporation, Luu Hung Phat Vietnam JSC., Citicom Commercial JSC, Lien Viet Bank...
From VNU University of Economics and Business, there were Rector - Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Vice Rectors, Secretary of Communist Youth Union, Chairman of UEB Students Association and UEB Alumni Association, leaders of UEB Faculties, Centers and Offices together with its faculty members and students.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son speaks at the ceremony.

Opening the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son has congratulated the new bachelors and master of the university; he hoped that they would take their advantages to catch the opportunity instead of waiting for it.The Rector sent his message to the new master and bachelors, who are going to be UEB alumni: “We welcome all of you to come back at anytime. The university always stands ready to support and offer you the best opportunities in your further study as well as in your future career”.


Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc

Addressing at the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc - VNU Vice President has expressed his congratulations to new bachelors and masters of the UEB. In his compliment on UEB’s achievements in 2011-2012 academic year, he emphasized: What the UEB has achieved is the common union from the society, the learners and their family. The VNU University of Economics and Business is highly appreciated for its leading in implementing outcome based training, which is close cooperated with enterprises, institutions or employers. 

Among 252 students of the UEB graduate this time, there are 241 students of regular training programs, 11 students of high-quality training programs of Political Economics, Development Economics, International Economics, Finance - Banking.

The 382 graduates are of the following programs: Business Administration, Political Economics, International Economics, Finance - Banking.

Students of strategic mission training program are receiving their degree at a honorable ceremony on 7th July at 19 Le Thanh Thong, Hanoi.

The cooperation among the 4 pillars of social science - technology and top universities of Vietnam (including Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology of Vietnam, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam National University Hanoi and Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City) has attracted the special attention of the Government. We need further responsibility in training high-quality human resources for the society, said the Vice President.

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc: “The reputation of VNU and the UEB is recognized due to the success of their alumni. You are now the fresh masters and bachelors, after this ceremony, you become alumni of the VNU-UEB. Your success will bring honor to the UEB in particular and VNU in general. Your achievement will contribute to the prestige of the VNU and UEB. We wish you further success.”

At the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc has awarded the Certificate of Merit by VNU President to an UEB’s outstanding student, Vu Thuy Linh, QH-2008-E Political Economics, who achieved excellent result during their training course 2008 - 2012. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son also awarded 75 students and 5 graduate students.


Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc awards the Certificate of Merit to Vu Thuy Linh


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son awards outstanding students of the UEB.

The procedure for degree conferring takes place under the witness by leaders of VNU, UEB, UEB’s Faculties and many distinguished guests.

On behalf of the UEB’s partners, Dr. Luu Van Thanh - General Director cum CEO of Luu Hung Phat Vietnam JSC. has expressed his congratulations to new the masters of the UEB. He said: On behalf of the business community, we welcome all of you and hope that you will soon be successful, benefit yourself, your employer and the society. As an employer, we wish to contribute more to our society and country. There are many enterprises that are cooperating with institutes to serve the best condition for the students to access to modern knowledge and advanced methodology to adapt the practice. The Luu Hung Phat Vietnam JSC. and Thakral Group (Singapore) have been implementing several cooperation programs with Vietnam National University, especially VNU University of Economics and Business. In which, we offer scholarships for UEB students of international standard training program or disadvantageous students who have outstanding study results… We hope that in the near future, the relationship between the UEB and Luu Hung Phat in particular as well as the business community will flourish, opening new cooperation opportunities in training, research and development of high-quality human resources for the country.


Dr. Luu Van Thanh - General Director cum CEO of Luu Hung Phat Vietnam JSC. has expressed his congratulations to new the masters of the UEB

Representing the new bachelors, Nguyen Minh Hue (intake QH-2008-E Business Administration course) has expressed her gratitude to leaders of VNU as well as UEB managers and staff for accompanying the students during the last years. She promised to make effort to have positive contributions to the society.
Ha Thi Thanh Xuan (intake QH-2010-E Business Administration) has also represented the new masters to express her appreciation to the lecturers and hoped that UEB’s alumni would keep on studying and improving themselves.

Ms. Ha Thi Thanh Xuan offers the Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Song flowers to express their gratitude to the UEB’s leaders and staff.

Mai Anh - Hai Dang


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