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UEB’s best graduate cited by Hanoi People’s Committee

Nguyen Thu Huyen (middle) during the Yellow Book recording ceremony at the Temple of Literature
Nguyen Thu Huyen, the best graduate of VNU University of Economics and Business was cited by Hanoi People’s Committee on Aug 24, 2013 together with more than 100 best graduates of universities and academies located in the capital city.

Nguyen Thu Huyen (class QH-2009-E, Faculty of International Business and Economics), one of the best students of VNU-UEB, attains many achievements in studying, doing research, joining volunteer activities and campaigns initiated by the Communist Youth Union. Huyen is the best graduate of VNU-UEB in the academic term 2009-2013 with total final mark of 3.69/4.

Huyen and 122 other best graduates were awarded merits, symbol cup and rewards by Hanoi People’s Committee at the ceremony.
 The best graduates cited in this ceremony are the most outstanding ones selected among tens of thousand graduates this year. Many of them have been selected to become members of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Many of them are from poor families but manage to overcome numerous difficulties. Particularly, several individuals have produced scientific studies receiving local and international awards.

Nguyen Thu Huyen at Hanoi’s best graduates citing ceremony

The night of honoring the best graduates follows series of similar activities, namely the achievement reporting ceremony taken place at Uncle Ho Temple Relic (Tan Linh commune, Ba Vi district); playgrounds building for children and the meeting for sharing studying experience with students of Ba Vi High School. The best graduates of universities and academies had their names been earlier written on the Yellow Book at the Temple of Literature for forever recognition. Besides, 206 other best graduates have also been cited by Hanoi Communist Youth Union.

Than Duc - Thu Loan


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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