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44 students in Master Program of Public Management Intake 6th have graduated

Dr. Vu Anh Dzung and Mrs. Camilla Mellander - Ambassador of the Embassy of Sweden award Degree to new masters.
On 14th Sep 2013, VNU-UEB has awarded the Master Degree to 44 students in Master Program of Public Management Intake 6th (the joint training program with Uppsala University, Sweden).

Attending the Graduation Ceremony were Mrs. Camilla Mellander - Ambassador of the Embassy of Sweden, Mr. Mikael Johansso - Second Secretary of the Embassy of Sweden; Dr. Vu Anh Dzung - Vice Rector of VNU-UEB cum Director of Center of International Training and Education, MA. Hoang Thi Bao Thoa - Deputy Director of the center.

Congratulation on the new masters at the ceremony, Dr. Vu Anh Dzung said: "To receive the degree of Master of Public Management today, you have to continuously strive for learning and self-improvement. I think this is the first success on your journey to achieve the goal of career. You are the pride of our university. I'm really glad to be standing here to share the joy with you”.

At the ceremony, Mrs. Camilla Mellander expressed joy when students of the joint program between Uppsala University (Sweden) and VNU-UEB have got the Master Degree after their effort for studying. "After this important day, you have officially involved in the alumni system of Uppsala University worldwide. Your success in future will play a major role in the confirmation of the quality of this joint training program. I strongly believe in the success of this joint training program as well as the lasting friendship of the two countries ".

New masters of Policy Management in the Graduation ceremony

The Master Degree is the beginning of the challenges and successes for each individual in the path ahead. Hopefully, 44 new Masters of Public Management with their acquired knowledge will be confident on future career path.

Uppsala University, with a long history of over 500 years, is the oldest university in the Nordic region ranking the top 100 universities of the world. The University is known for a tradition of outstanding teaching and research, representing a particularly important position in the international research community.

Master Program of Public Management - MPPM, a joint training program between the VNU-UEB and Uppsala University for officers and civil servants working in the administrative offices, in ministries, department, local leaders, policy makers and managers in the public sector (local and international organization), researchers and university lecturers, leaders and business managers. Implemented from 2009, up to now, 218 masters in the program have been awarded the Degree.

Ha My – Thanh Thuy


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