Trang tin tức sự kiện

Prof. Richard Hazenberg

Richard is Professor of Social Innovation and leads the Institute for Social Innovation and Impact at the University of Northampton. Richard has research interests in the areas of social innovation, social finance, public service innovation and social impact measurement and has published research in numerous international, peer-reviewed academic journals. He has also presented research papers at conferences in Europe, Asia, and America and has contributed to international/national government policy through papers and roundtable meetings (including for the European Commission; Cabinet Office; and HM Treasury). He is a trustee of a leading UK social enterprise and also runs his own research consultancy business focused on the social impact sector and Impact at the University of Northampton. Richard has research interests in the areas of social innovation, social finance, public service innovation and social impact measurement and has published research in numerous international, peer-reviewed academic journals. He has also presented research papers at conferences in Europe, Asia, and America and has contributed to international/national government policy through papers and roundtable meetings (including for the European Commission; Cabinet Office; and HM Treasury). He is a trustee of a leading UK social enterprise and also runs his own research consultancy business focused on the social impact sector.
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