Trang tin tức sự kiện

Tran Thi Thu Hai

1. Personal information:

Full name:

Tran Thi Thu Hai


Year of birth:



Strategic Management Lecturer

Academic title:


Foreign languages:




(84) 989513732

Office address:

144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam

2. Education:

  • 2017: International Business, Foreign Trade University
  • 2019: Master of Busisness Administrator, University of Northampton

3. Employment/Experience:

  • 02/2016-09/2016: Assistant Vice Manager, Consultancy and Construction limited company of University of Transport and Communications
  • 2016-Now: Co-Founder, DBL global technology development and investment corporation
  • 2018-2019: Business Development Executive, Pen Content Limited (Stunited), United Kingdom
  • 2020- Now: Lecturer in Vietnam National University

4. Research domain:

  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate management 

5. Publications:

5.1. Books:

5.2. Articles, working papers:

  1.  Investor - State dispute settlement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement; Vietnam Trade and Industry Review no 4+5, April 2017, page 42
  2. Startup: From idea to success, Labour and Social Publisher, June 2017

5.3. Research projects (from state level, ministry/VNU level to UEB level):

  1. Recommendations to reduce logistics cost in Quang Ninh, Foreign Trade University, 2018


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