Trang tin tức sự kiện

Tran My Minh Chau

1. Personal information:

Full name:

Tran My Minh Chau


Year of birth:





PhD in Economics

Foreign languages:



Cell phone:


Office address:

144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

2. Education:

  • 2005-2009: Bachelor of Economics, Foreign Trade University
  • 2012-2014: Master of Economics, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  • 2016-2020: PhD of Economics, Monash University, Australia

3. Employment/Experience:

  • 05/2020-now: University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
  • 6/2010-5/2020: Hue College of Economics, Hue University
  • 9/2009-12/2009: Audit assistant, KPMG limited company

4. Research domain:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Development Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Health Economics

5. Publications:

5.1. Articles, working

* Journal article

  1. Chau Tran, Christopher Gan, Baiding Hu (2016). “Credit constraints and their impact on farm household welfare: Evidence from Vietnam’s North Central Coast region”. International Journal of Social Economics, 43(8), 782-803.
  2. Christopher Gan, David A.Cohen, Baiding Hu, Chau Tran, Weikang Dong, and Annie Wang (2016). “The relationship between credit card attributes and the demographic characteristics of card users in China”. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(7), 966-984.
  3. Pushkar Maitra, Nidhiya Menon, Chau Tran (2019). “The winter’s tale: Season of Birth Impacts on Children in China”. Accepted by Economic Development and Cultural Change.

* Conference:

  1. Weizhou Wang, Christopher Gan, Zhaohua Li, & Chau Tran (2014). “Homeownership in urban China: An empirical study of the Housing Provident Fund. Working paper (won the Best Paper Award at 3rd Global Business and Finance Research Conference, Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei, Taiwan, October 9-10, 2014).
  2. Pushkar Maitra, Russell Smyth, Chau Tran (2019). “Physical Activity, Media Time and Childhood Obesity in Australia”. The 42nd Annual AHES Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 
  3. Pushkar Maitra, Ananta Neelim, Chau Tran (2020). “Negotiating down the Gender wage gap”.  Australian Gender Economics Workshop, Brisbane, Australia.


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