Trang tin tức sự kiện

Le Thi Khanh Ly

1. Personal information:

Full name:

Le Thi Khanh Ly

Year of birth:




Academic title:

Doctor of Philosophy

Foreign languages:





Office address:

University of Economics & Business - Vietnam National University

No. 144 Xuan Thuy Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

2. Education:

  • 2007:Bachelor Degree from National Economics University
  • 2011:Master Degree from VNU University of Economics & Business
  • 2019:PhD Degree from Graduate Academy of Social Sciences

3. Employment/Experience:

  • 2020 - present:Faculty of Development Economics - VNU University of Economics & Business
  • 2008-2020:Faculty of Business Management – Hanoi University of Industry

4. Research domain:

  • Economics
  • State Management of the Economy
  • Issues of Growth, Employment and Social Security

5. Publications:

5.1. Books:

  1. Reference book “Developing Vietnam’s automotive supporting industries from the experience of RoK and Thailand” – Chief Editor

5.2. Articles, working papers ((published on journals of science, yearbooks or conferences’ reports)

  1. Le Thi Khanh Ly, Nguyen Hong Nhung “Assessment of export competency of Vietnam’s footwear industry”, Review of World Economic and Political Issues, No.7 (183)- 2011, (Language: Vietnamese)
  2. Le Thi Khanh Ly “Ceasing Opportunities to Develop Supporting Industries”, European Studies No.2 (137)- 2012, (Language: Vietnamese)
  3. Lê Thị Khánh Ly, Nguyen Viet Hanh “Positive Teaching Method and Application in Teaching Business Administration”, National Scientific Seminar “Effective Teaching Method for Business Administration and Finance Banking)- 2016, (Language: Vietnamese).
  4. Lê Thị Khánh Ly “Vietnam’s automotive supporting industries and ATIGA roadmap”, Asia Pacific Economic Review No.491 April 2017, Page 34-36, (Language: Vietnamese).
  5. Lê Thị Khánh Ly “Approaches to attract FDI in Industry 4.0”, Economy and Forecast Review No.07 March 2018 (683), Page 20, (Language: Vietnamese).
  6. Lê Thị Khánh Ly “Production Links in Automotive Industry – Experience from RoK”, Asia Pacific Economic Review No.514 April 2018 Page 47, (Language: Vietnamese).
  7. Lê Thị Khánh Ly “Industry 4.0 and Issues faced by Labourers in Vietnam’s Automotive Industry”, Asia Pacific Economic Review No.536 March 2019, (Language: Vietnamese)).
  8. Lê Thị Khánh LyLabourers Migration and Issues faced by Vietnam”, Asia Pacific Economic Review , February 2020, (Language: Vietnamese).


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