1. Personal information
Full name:
Nguyen Thi Phi Nga
(84) 966696041, (886)979233190 (in Taipei, Taiwan)
Highest academic degree:
Ph.D of Business Administration (in 2006)
Foreign Language:
English, Korean
Office name:
University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU)
Office address:
144 XuanThuy, CauGiay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Office telephone:
(84-4)3 7547506~307
2. Education history
3. Working experience
4. Interested research:
5. Publications:
5.1. Books:
5.2. Recent published articles
5.3. Research projects
6. Teaching subjects:
* In the past:
* Present:
7. Advise the students’ thesis/dissertation
8. Other experiences:
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