Trang tin tức sự kiện

Bui Dai Dung

1. Personal detail:
Full name:
Bui Dai Dung

Year of birth:
Faculty of Development Economics
Dr. of Economics (2006)
Tel. office:
(84-4) 37547506 (ext.309)
(84) 986973399
Office address:

144 Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

2. Education:
  • 1987: B.A. (Economics) Institute of Foreign Affairs Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • 2001: M.A. (Economics) International University of Japan Niigata, Japan.
  • 2006: Dr. (Economics) Institute of World Economics and Politics Hanoi, Vietnam.
3. Employment/Experience:
  • 2009- now: Head of Public Policy Dept., Faculty of Development Economics, University of Economics and Business, 144, Xuan Thuy Str., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 2007 - 2009: Director, Centre for Economic Development Studies (CEDS) cum Lecturer of the College of Economics, VNU - Hanoi. 144, Xuan Thuy Str., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • 2004 - 2006: Research Fellow, Institute for State Organization Studies (ISOS), Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), 37 A, Nguyen Binh Khiem, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • 1998 - 2003: Research Fellow cum Secretary to the Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Research Commission (PMRC), 8, Le Hong Phong, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • 1988 - 1997: Official cum Interpreter, the Administration & Financial Committee of the Central Communist Party of Vietnam, 10, Nguyen Canh Chan, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Oct - Dec: Visiting Research Fellow of the International University of Japan.
  • 2009: Research title: “Economic Development and Inequality in Japan”.
  • Feb - May - 2009: A Collaborative Research Project with Thailand Research Fund: “Challenges to Economic and Human Development in the Mekong Sub - region Countries.
  • May - August - 2008: E - lecturing for Tokyo University: The Vietnamese Economy Since Doi Moi and Income Distributions.
  • July - August: Participant of the training course: "Leadership of the Public Sector 2005: Reform", Mekong Institute, KhonKaen, THAILAND.
  • June - August - 2001: Research Associate, Asia Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Tokyo, JAPAN.
  • June - August - 2000: Summer Internship, Japan Economic Research Institute (JERI) of the Development Bank of Japan, Tokyo, JAPAN.
4. Research domain:
Public policy and Development Economics
5. Publications:
5.1. Books:
  1. Bui Dai Dung, “Government expenditures under impacts of interest groups in a number of countries in the world”, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007
  2. Bui Dai Dung, “Equitable distribution: Basis for Sustainable Development”, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012
  3.  Co-author, “Public Policy and Sustainable Development: The balance of payments, public debt and public investment”, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012
5.2. Articles, working papers:
  1. Bui Dai Dung, “Major effect factors of government spending”, Economic Studies, No. 288, pp. 47-52, Hanoi, 2002.
  2. Bui Dai Dung, “The mechanism of the growth of government expenditures”, Vietnam’s Socio-economic Development, No. 29, pp. 32-36, Hanoi, 2002.
  3. Bui Dai Dung, “How democracy mechanism affect the quality of people's representatives in developed countries”, The State Organizational Review, March 2005, pp. 8-10, Hanoi, 2005.
  4. Bui Dai Dung, "The role of non-profit organizations in supplying public services", The State Organizational Review, July 2005, pp. 54-56, Hanoi, 2005
  5. Bui Dai Dung, “Government expenditures' efficiency and government's functions”, Economic Studies, No. 320, pp. 3-12, Hanoi, 2005.
  6. Bui Dai Dung, "Economic growths and the rich-poor gaps in a number of countries”, Economic Studies, No. 326, pp. 40-46, Hanoi, 2005.
  7. Bui Dai Dung, “Economic growth and income distribution in Vietnam in 1986-2008”, Economics and Business Studies, No. 2, pp. 21-25, VNU-Hanoi, 2008
  8. Bui Dai Dung, “Estimate of losses due to the oil spill marine ecosystems: Some overseas experience and apply conditions in Vietnam”, Journal of the Institute of Economic Vietnam, 12/2009
  9. Bui Dai Dung, “Theory of Group Benefits and sustainable development in VN” , Seminar of Central Theoretical Council, 12/2009
  10.  Bui Dai Dung, “The problem of Entrance fees for cultural heritage” , Journal of Economics and Business, 1/2011
  11.  Bui Dai Dung, “To control the greed of the short-term benefits”, Rays Magazine , the number of months 2/2012
  12.  Bui Dai Dung, “Public Expenditure and Sustainable Development”, Journal of Economics and Business , No. 4.2012
  13.  Bui Dai Dung, “Some methods of evaluating economic losses applicable to natural disasters and environmental accidents”, Scientific reports Collection, National Science Seminar: Improving resitant to climate change , pp. 429 -436 , Ha Long , 11/2012
  14.  Bui Dai Dung, “Some basic conditions for requirement of evaluation and rapid assessment of economic losses due to natural disasters and environmental problems”, International Workshop Summary record: Economics of climate change and policy implications on Vietnam , National Economics University and Ausaid Australia organized, pp. 717-726 , Hanoi , 3/5/2013
  15.  Bui Dai Dung, “Equity issues and distribution model in the transitional period of Vietnam”, National Science Seminar: socialist orientation in the process of developing a market economy in Vietnam, 6/5/2013 .
  16.  Bui Dai Dung, “Income distribution in Vietnam for the period 2002-2010”, Journal of Economic Issues and World Politics , pp. 24-38 , No. 206 , 6/5/2013
  17. Bui Dai Dung, “Climate change and the role of universities”, Posts to: Global Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark (at the request of the United Nations University, Tokyo), 10/2009
5.3. Research projects:
  1. Poverty reduction and economic development in Vietnam, Thailand Research Fund (TRF) - First step, 5/2009, Presided.
  2. Research program frame of estimating about damage of economic cause due to climate change and natural disasters in Vietnam - Research Orientation to 2020, University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, 5/2009, Presided.
  3. The relative poverty problem in Japan, International University of Japan (IUJ), 10-12/2009, Presided.
  4. Economic growth and social fair in Vietnam, period 1986-2010, Vietnam National University, 7/2010 - 7/2012, Presided.


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