Trang tin tức sự kiện

VNU Introduction

Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) is the first modern university ever established in the country and one of the two national universities in Vietnam. VNU has undergone various stages of development: the University of Indochina established on 16 May 1906; Vietnam National University (November, 1945); the University of Hanoi (June, 1956). In December 1993, VNU was reorganized on the basis of amalgamating the University of Hanoi and other leading universities in Hanoi.

VNU is the largest comprehensive higher education and research center in Vietnam. VNU has been entrusted with the task of producing highly qualified human resources and talent for the industrialization and modernization of the country. VNU holds a special position in Vietnam’s higher education system, operating according to a special regulation promulgated by the Prime Minister. VNU reports directly to the Prime Minister and has high autonomy in organization - personnel, training programs, scientific research and technological development, planning and finance, international relations and other fields. VNU is entitled to work directly with ministries, ministerial level organizations, governmental bodies, people’s committees of central cities and provinces concerning affairs related to VNU. VNU's colleges and institutes maintain their juridical person status as a higher education and scientific research institution as regulated by the Law on Education and the Law on Science-Technology.

- To develop into the country’s leading comprehensive and most prestigious training and research center of excellence, gradually achieving international standards;

- To play a key and leading role in renovating the country’s higher education system;

- To serve as a focal point for international scientific, educational and cultural exchanges of the whole country.

  • Staff: 3.316
    • Of wich, the faculty is: 1.675
    • Consisting of
    • Professors: 44
    • Associate Professors: 243
    • PhD: 754 (which includes 21 Doctors of Science)
  • Students
    • Undergraduate students:
    • Full-time: 21.806
    • Part-time: 1.820
    • Master and PhD students: 10.334
    • Gifted high school pupils: 2421



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