Trang tin tức sự kiện

Strategic tasks of VNU

Establishing and developing undergraduate and graduate disciplines at at VNU to meet international standards is one of the core items of its strategic tasks to 2010, vision 2020. Also, this tenor matches with the mission: to develop and transform VNU into a regionally equal undergraduate and graduate education, training and research center, reaching international standards. This will help to improve Vietnam’s science-technology and economy-society basis and to gain the country’s prestige in terms of higher education level in the world. This mission is gradually being accomplished by carring out projects, including partial projects for each discipline and major which are already equipped with international sub-standards.

Purposes of Strategic Tasks:

Establishing and developing a number of international standard disciplines and majors in order to expand some divisions, departments and member universities at the regional and/or global level; also, contributing to renovate thoroughly the quality of training and scientific research of VNU in particular and Vietnam’s higher education level in general is done based on the following purposes:

- Providing society with moral and Vietnamese-featured personality human resources that are highly qualified, competent, adaptable to international integration and suitable to Vietnam’s socio-economic development.

- Training and cultivating scientific competence, teaching methodology, creativity and advanced science-techonology methods for teaching staff as well as tertiary managerial knowledge for managing staff of partial projects.

- Raising the quality of science-technology research aiming at standardized and domestically featured products, including research work in international journals, pretigious central newspapers, valued monographs, and applicable research.

- Innovating initially the content of syllabi, coursebooks, teaching-learning methods, testing and assessment and educational management; enhancing facilities for training and scientific research; combining training and scientific research; setting up an academic environment to the same standard as other prestigious universities.

- Improving domestic as well as international cooperation of undergraduate, graduate training, scientific research and technology transfer;  attract more resources to build and strengthen every unit and VNU as a whole; to attract more students taking part in academic services.

Output of Strategic Tasks:

Result and level of success of partial projects are judged by:

- Highly qualified human reources (undergraduate and graduate levels), equipped with state-of-the-art knowledge, life skills, and self training to meet the demand of national modernization, industrialization and international integration of the country and being capable of working in every country in the world.

- Contigent of scientists, teaching staff with high qualification, advanced teching and scienticfic research methodology and professionally managerial staff with good comand of foreign languages, advanced higher education management and the ability to cooperate well with foreign colleagues from other advanced universities.

- Results of “peak” scientific research about the areas of: technology, natural science, social sciences and humanities, economics and foreign languages, ... through an increase in the number of reference books published in foreign languages, the number of papers published in international journals,  successful scientific research for the State, invention patents, scientific and technological products and services that are competitive on the domestic and international markets.

- Training technology, training management methods, textbook systems, lectures, facilities for tertiary training to reach global advanced standards and correspond with the context of Vietnam.

- Expanding and enhancing equal cooperative relationships with partners inside and outside the country; creating more resources to continuously promote the results of high level training and research already achieved, steadily developing disciplines and professions in the initial stages.

The first partial projects launched in 2008 with relatively comprehensive work were to build and develop teaching and managerial staff, implement international standard training programs, invest in facilities for training and scientific research, equip school materials and course books, and deploy scientific and technological topics at all levels.

After the implementation process, the partial projects had to be adjusted to fit the actual situation in order to improve their performance and make the best use of integrated resources. There are ten partial projects being carried out, six of which are associated with the development of higher education, three in association with graduate training and one associated with computer science at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.



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