Professor Naoki Wakabayashi visited the VNU University of Business and Economics

MOU agreement ceremony with UEB’s Rector Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son
On January 21st 2014, Professor Naoki Wakabayashi visited the Vietnam National University, University of Business and Economics (VNU-UEB), in Hanoi, Vietnam.

In 2013, the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University (GSM KU) and VNU UEB already signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) about joint academic exchange and research collaboration. During his visit, Prof. Naoki Wakabayashi held a meeting with Professor Nguyen Hong Son, the rector of VNU UEB, expressing gratitude for the agreement on behalf of the dean of GSM, KU. He and Professor Son discussed further research collaboration. He has also discussed the details of the actual research collaboration with Dr. Truc Le Nguyen, Vice Rector of VNU UEB, and Dr. Dang Minh Nguyen, Head of Research and Partnership Development Office in it. Dr. Ngoc Thang Nguyen, the correspondent of VNU UEB, and Prof. Wakabayashi have already done joint research and discussed future project about comparative study on the international competitiveness of Vietnamese and Japanese companies. He promised that the GSM will continue to discuss the mutual exchange of young researchers and prospective research collaboration proposals.

On the same day, Prof. Naoki Wakabayashi had a research seminar with more than ten VNU UEB faculty members. He delivered a lecture, titled "Current Dynamics of Japanese Workers' Organizational Loyalty and Career: From Perspective of Psychological Contracts Case Studies". At the same time, Mr. Hideki Kakinuma, who is as a visiting research fellow at VNU UEB from Kyoto University, has also presented his comparative study of job applicant attractiveness between Vietnam and China. Both presentations were followed by lively discussions.
On the 22nd and 23rd, members from both universities carried out a joint visit tour to two Vietnamese factories of two Japanese companies, Ishigaki Rubber Industrial Co. Ltd. and Nissin Electric Co. Ltd.

Discussion of the future collaboration with UEB’Vice Rector Nguyen Truc Le

Prof. Naoki Wakabayashi delivering his lecture at the seminar session

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