Trang tin tức sự kiện

Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thi Tam

1. Full name: Nguyen Thi Tam

2. Sex: Woman
3. Date of birth: 24/8/1978  
4. Place of birth: Ha noi
5. Admission decision number: 240/TCT-DT Dated:4/11/2011

6. Changes in academic process: Change instructors 2 in 2012

7. Official thesis title: Esure social security associated with economic growth in Vietnam

8. Major: Pilitical Economy
9. Code: 62 31 01 01
10. Supervisors:

- Assoc.Prof.PhD. Bui Quang Tuan

- PhD. Nguyen Huu Dung

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

 - Formalized and contribute to further elucidate the theoretical link between social security and economic growth

 - Clarification of content to ensure social security and economic growth, indicating some basic factors and criteria to ensure social security and economic growth

 - Assess the situation objectively done to ensure social security and economic growth in Vietnam in recent years, finding gaps, deficiencies and cause of the link between social security and economic growth.

 - Propose a number of possible solutions to make the link between social security and economic growth.

12. Thesis-related publications:

 - Improving the quality of progress and social justice in Vietnam. The Journal of events - GSO - Ministry of Planning and Investment - 07/2011.

 - The relationship between economic development and social welfare in Vietnam. The Journal of events - GSO - Ministry of Planning and Investment - 7/2012.

 - Social Security in Vietnam - Achievements and limitations. The Journal of events - GSO - Ministry of Planning and Investment - 8/2012.



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