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Promoting joint training programs with University of Arizona

On 11th April 2019, representatives of the University of Arizona (AU), USA paid a visit to VNU University of Economics and Business to discuss the joint training programs with UEB’s leaders.

Attending the meeting, from University of Arizona, there were Ms. Hillary Vance - Head of International Education Office in South Asia, University of Arizona; Mr. Chris Johnson - Representative of Arizona in the US. From Vietnam National University, Hanoi, there was Ms. Lam Thi Giang from Arizona Cooperation Office. From the UEB, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Head of Research and Partnership Development.

At the meeting, representatives of the parties discussed the joint training programs, which are expected to implement in the near future.

Representatives from the AU introduced 3 pre-college programs and 1 undergraduate program that can be implemented. With the pre-college programs, the students can accumulate up to 30 credits after completing at least 4 courses before entering undergraduate programs at the UA or the UEB. These pre-college programs are equivalent to a semester of undergraduate program.

The UA will cooperate with the UEB to provide English course for the students who fail to meet the language requirements of the programs.


These programs will bring about great benefits to all students as they will have chances to learn at the leading universities in the US and Vietnam and receiving the degrees of international recognition.

Ending the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu – Vice Rector hoped that the joint training programs will soon be brought into practice.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Thanh Tu


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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