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Uppsala - World leading university of MPPM

Campus of Uppsala University in Sweden
Established in1477, Uppsala University (Sweden) is the oldest university in the Nordic countries. The university is renowned with its world-class research and high quality education, which benefit society and business on a global level. Uppsala University has been remained its ranks in the top 100 universities of the world and possessed eight Nobel Prizes. Located 75 km fromStockholm, there have been many international students, including Vietnamese students studying there.

First of all, in terms of teaching, Uppsala University has 9 faculties, including Arts, Law, Languages, Theology, Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy and Technology. Among which, one of the university’s strengths is Political Science. The University has 50 bachelor’s training programs, 45 master’s programs and nearly 2,000 courses of specialized certification. Annually, Uppsala receives more than 40,000 Swedish and international students to enter the university and 4,000 graduates every year. In addition, the university has 2,000 graduates at doctoral degree; nearly 400 of whom graduate every year and about 100 professional certificates are issued. The university has nearly 6,000 officers with 4,000 lecturers and researchers.
Moreover, Uppsala also occupies a particularly important position in the international research network. There were eight scientists who are Uppsala students and lecturers won the Nobel Prize. For the last over 10 years, hundreds of new companies were established as a result of the researches at Uppsala University. The university also has 3,000 cooperation research agreements with more than 1,000 universities worldwide, mainly in Europe, America and Asia. Uppsala University has a turnover of about SEK 4,300 million (equivalent to USD 430 million), of which almost 70% of revenue is from research and postgraduate education with about 50% of researches are funded by international sources. The university has nearly 5,000 publications published each year, about 50% of these papers are published on international scientific journals.
VNU University of Economics and Business is the exclusive partner to implement the Master Program in Public Management (MPPM) of the Uppsala University in Vietnam. The MPPM joint training program with the renowned Uppsala University offers Vietnamese graduates an excellent opportunity to study the experience of management from one of world leading universities. The Master Program in Public Management has been implemented with 6 intakes, in which 4 intakes have graduated with over 200 alumni. Most graduates are the leaders, managers in state owned agencies, ministries, departments and branches. The program has been given an honor by the Central Organizing Committee (Project 165) and Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs to train officers for the human resources innovation and capacity improvement of the country.

Bao Thoa - Hai Dang


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