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The UEB: 1st session of Science & Training Council

It is the most mentioned content at the first session of Science and Training Council, VNU University of Economics and Business, period 2012 - 2016. The session took place on 14 August 2012 under the chairmanship by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector cum the Council Chairman.

Attending to the session were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - VNU Vice President; representatives of VNU’s Research and Technology Department, VNU’s Academic Affairs Department; From UEB’s strategic partners, there were President of Hanoi Business Association, Bao Son Group’s Management Board; together with members of UEB’s Science and Training Council and leaders of UEB’s offices.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son opens the session

In his opening speech, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son has emphasized: “In its goal to become a research university and a training center of high quality human resources in economics, management and business administration, the University of Economics and Business are trying to innovate, improve teaching and learning quality, expand the cooperation with domestic and foreign partners. In the accomplishment of the great mission, the advisory role of the Council is extremely important. It is an honor to the UEB to receive the advice and contribution of the Council, which comprises scientists, leading economic experts, experienced managers”...

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai speaks at the session

At the session, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai - UEB Vice Rector has reported on the activities in 2009 - 2012 and summarized priority missions in 2012 - 2013 academic year. The report highlighted the outstanding achievements in all activities of the university since 2009, clarified the existing issues, their reasons and solution. The theme of 2012 - 2013 academic year of the UEB is: “Creating the break through progress based on innovation, professionalism, creativity and UEB’s corporation culture."
After that, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh - UEB Vice Rector has represented the overall projects to open several new training programs and to establish the division in charge of teaching general subjects. Moreover, Vice Rector Dr. Vu Anh Dung presented some preferred orientation of the UEB for 2012-2014 period.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh

Dr. Vu Anh Dung speaks at the session


The members of Science & Training Council and participants contributes many ideas to the UEB’s leaders

The participants have discussed on significant recommendations contributing to the development of the university from Council members, such as: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sc. Vo Dai Luoc - General Director of Vietnam Asia-Pacific Economic Center; Dr. Vo Tri Thanh - Vice President, Central Institute for Economic Management; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh - Vice Chairman of National Assembly’s Committee of the Science, Technology and Environment. In particular, the Council has received the advice to develop scientific and technological activities (in writing) from Dr. Truong Dinh Tuyen - Former Minister of Trade.
The Council members also discussed and proposed solutions to improve the quality of training and scientific research of the university; embed research to practice and training, academic knowledge to business activities; develop and open new training programs; establish a division of general subjects; develop cooperation between the UEB and other institutions/universities in the country and abroad; diversify sources of revenue; professionalize the quality assurance at the UEB; specify the research orientation according to specific schedule and outcomes...
Also at the session, the participants have offered their experience in discussing on how to bring a breakthrough to the university in the coming period... Most of the suggestions agreed that inspire of its fresh establishment, the University of Economics and Business did have appropriate strategies and clear orientation. The university has been bravely pursuing its direction, which pays attention to quality, linking training with scientific research, associating university activities with business performance, etc. The session has reached a common agreement on the development orientation of the UEB among the Council members.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha addresses the session with his guidance

Addressing the session, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha has emphasized that the UEB should develop a strong research teams. Vietnam National University Hanoi offers appropriate investment for specific research such as: Vietnam Annual Economic Report, the theoretical study on macro-economic policy... The UEB needs to assure a harmony between basic research and practical research; focus on developing research on human resources management and business administration to effectively contribute to strategic training programs; pay attention to the balance of resources and have priority research programs. Regarding training, it is important to the university to have a synchronic training from bachelor’s to master’s and doctoral degree; closely supervise the management process to ensure quality training...
Closing the session, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son has summarized the major contents and emphasized the key tasks in the academic year of 2012 - 2013 and the next years in building the UEB as a research university. The UEB’s Rector also expressed his gratitude to the Council members and the participants for their contribution and precious feedback to the university.


The members of UEB’s Science & Training Council and participants at the session.

Luu Mai - Le Xuan


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