Trang tin tức sự kiện

Office of Inspection and Legislation


UEB’s Vice Rector, Head of the office:
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Manh Tuan

Tel: (84-24) 3754.7506  + 602




1. Functions:

The Office of Inspection and Legislation provides advice for the UEB’s Rector of the UEB on undertaking inspections and legislation activities.

2. Responsibilities:

a) Inspection

  1. Developing documents related to inspection activities and building the database for the activities.
  2. Developing the periodical plans of inspection activities submitted to the Rector; implementing the plan approved by the Rector according to State law and regulations;
  3. Inspecting the implementation of the regulations of the VNU and the UEB; inspecting the implementation of tasks assigned to centers, units or individuals under management of the Rector;
  4. Supporting the Rector in reception of citizens, lawful settlement of complaints and denunciations;
  5. Supporting the Rector in lawfully performing the tasks of preventing and combating corruption;
  6. Assisting the Rector in collaboration with other agencies, organizations and units on inspection activities;
  7. Suggesting establishment of inspection team to conduct periodical or unexpected inspection;
  8. Reporting and summarizing the experiences in inspection work: reception of citizens, settlement of complaints and denunciation, prevention and combating of corruption at the request of the Rector and inspection superiors, proposing amendment and supplement of the policies and education regulations of the State;
  9. Making recommendations to the Rector and Department of Inspection and Legislation of VNU to improve efficiency and quality of inspection work;
  10. Reporting periodically to the Rector and Department of Inspection and Legislation of VNU on inspection work.
  11. Conducting other tasks as assigned by the Rector.

b) Legislation

  1. Assisting the Rector in managing legislation activities of the University.
  2. Proposing the development and supervision of composing internal regulations.
  3. Providing legal advice for the Rector and members within the University;
  4. Reviewing and arranging documents of the University;
  5. Promoting public information, popularize the laws, rules and regulations of Vietnam National University and the UEB to employees;
  6. Supporting the Rector in giving comments on legal documents.
  7. Other tasks:

- Supervising and ensuring the implementation of laws, rules and regulations of the University; proposing settlement and protection measures, loss recovery in violation cases following regulations of VNU and UEB;

- Supporting the Rector in dealing with legal issues, protection of right and benefit of the University, employees and students.

c) Performing other related tasks assigned by the Rector.



Office of Inspection and Legislation, VNU University of Economics and Business

Room 701, E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy Rd., Cay Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam.

Tel: (84-24) 37547506 ext. 701, 711 - Fax: (84-24) 37546765

Email:; Website:


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