Trang tin tức sự kiện

Office of Research and Partnership Development


Deputy head:
MA. Nguyen Duc Lam
Tel: (84-24) 3754.7506 ext. 706
Deputy head:
MA. Nguyen Thi Nguyet Nuong
Tel: (84-24) 3754.7506 ext. 736



1. Functions:

The UEB’s Office of Research and Partnership Development provides advice to the Rector on monitoring and managing cooperative activities and scientific research; managing short-term training courses of the UEB.

2. Responsibilities:

a) Research activities:

- Designing major research programs, research plans (in the long term, medium-term and annually) of the UEB (including research programs, system of research projects; investment projects on science and technology; organizing conferences/workshops and other activities related to scientific research of lecturers and students);
- Organizing training courses on scientific research skills; developing research potential; organizing and supervising research activities among UEB staff and students;
- Launching the application of research outcomes on training and other academic activities;
- Developing and distributing documents (regulations, guidelines) to assist the Rector on managing research activities;

- Assisting the Training and Scientific Council as well as Awarding Council in assessing researches of faculty and students;

- Implementing procedures to evaluate/approve/examine/assess the reports, research projects (subjects/projects at UEB level and subjects/projects of Group B VNU level) in accordance with the current regulations of research management; proposing rewards and handling violations in the implementation of research tasks;

- Supervising and inspecting the progress of research implementation within its jurisdiction;

- Receiving and evaluating materials/products of the scientific researches. Archiving and managing documents, records of researches;
- Organizing/co-organizing conferences, workshops from university level upwards; as well as the meeting session of VNU’s Economics Council;

- Collaborating with faculties in proposing mechanism to promote in-depth study group as well as typical research products of each faculty;

- Collaborating with relevant departments to co-organizing joint international research projects;
- Performing other functional tasks as assigned by the Rector.

b) Partnership Development:

- Managing external scholarships and sponsor programs;
- Managing, examining and reporting on joint international training programs; collecting information and reporting on host - guest delegations;
- Receiving, evaluating and dealing with applications for overseas business and study of UEB’s staff and students;- Composing papers about University of Economics and Business in foreign languages ​​as directed by the Rector;

- Directly implementing or collaborating to construct, deploy and develop international cooperation programs or projects;

- Developing and distributing documents (regulations, guidelines) to assist the Rector on managing the UEB’s activities related to development cooperation;- Developing the domestic and international cooperative strategy, program and plan; strengthening UEB image and prestige with domestic and international partners;
- Seeking sponsorship, developing faculty and student exchange program with international organizations;
- Developing plans, management and reporting host-guest delegations. Directly making records to go on business for the Board of Management, giving instruction in preparing documents for working and studying abroad;

- Archiving, supervising and inspecting the progress of cooperative signing with international partners;
- Collaborating with Office of Human Resources, Office of Academic Affairs and other related units in managing foreign lecturers, staff and students studying and working at UEB; the UEB’s lecturers, staff and students working overseas;

- Performing other functional tasks as assigned by the Rector.

c) Short-term Training:

- Organizing and managing short-term training at the UEB;
- Organizing negotiations, contracts signing of joint training program.


Office of Research and Partnership Development, VNU University of Economics and Business

Room 705, 501, E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy Rd., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: (84-24) 37547506 ext.705, 706. 716, 726; Fax: (84-24) 37546765

Email:; Website:


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