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Book: Quality management of supply chain – Theory and practical experiences in Vietnam

This is a reference book which promotes the understanding of business administration, serving as the reference for the training and research on quality management and supply chain management edited by the authors of the Center for Business Administration Studies, VNU University of Economics and Business.

Author: Assoc.Prof.PhD. Phan Chi Anh - PhD. Nguyen Thu Ha (Co-editor)

Published year: 2021

Publisher: Vietnam National University, Hanoi Publisher

Page number: 144

Book size: 16×24 cm

In the 21st century with the trend of digitization and sustainable development, businesses around the world focus on developing the value chain of products and services, in which the most essential is to build and develop a sustainable supply chain with improved quality and constant innovation.

This is the research product of the project "Quality management of supply chain towards sustainable development of manufacturing enterprises - Fundamental theoretical issues and international experiences" coded 502.02-2016.04 funded by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED). Combining theoretical research and field survey investigation, the book summarizes the foundational theory of quality management and supply chain management as well as experiences in building and implementing models of supply chain quality management in developed industrial countries such as Japan, the United States, South Korea and Germany, which might be applicable to Vietnamese manufacturing enterprises.

The book consists of five chapters:

· Chapter 1: Overview of Supply Chain Quality Management

· Chapter 2: Developing methods and frameworks for analyzing supply chain quality management at Vietnamese enterprises

· Chapter 3: Research results on the situation of supply chain quality management at manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam

· Chapter 4: International experiences in Supply Chain Quality Management in Relation to customers and suppliers

· Chapter 5: Impact of Comprehensive Quality Management and Just-in-Time Manufacturing (JIT) on Supply Chain Flexibility: Empirical evidence from manufacturers around the world.

VNU University of Economics and Business


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