Trang tin tức sự kiện

Prof. Sanfo Mohamadou Bassirou Jean-Baptiste


Prof. SANFO Mohamadou Bassirou Jean-Baptiste

658-0003 Kobe-shi Higashinada-ku Motoyamakitamachi

5-7-11 Green Corpo Okamoto Room 202, Japan

Tel:+818047618314 Email:


  • 04/2021-present Institute for Promotion of General Education, University of Shiga Prefecture


  • 10/2020-03/2021 Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University

Research Fellow

  • 04/2020-09/2020 School of Human Welfare Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University


  • 04/2015-03/2021 Kyoto University of Education Attached Elementary and High Schools


  • 08/2010-09/2013 Burkina Faso Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education

Principal of Zomkalga Junior High School

  • 10/2007- 08/2010 Burkina Faso Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education

English Teacher


  • 10/2017-09/2020 Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University
Ph.D. (Education Development/Economics of Education)
  • 10/2015-09/2017 Graduate School of Business, Doshisha University
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • 10/2003-06/2007 Graduate School of Education Administration, Kyoto University of Education
Certificate of program completion (Comparative Education)
  • 10/2003-06/2007 Anglophone Studies Department, University of Ouagadougou
Bachelor of Arts (English language linguistics major)


  1. Sanfo, M. B. J. & Malgoubri, I. (2021). Teaching Quality and Students' EFL Achievements in Ethiopia: Analysis from the Perspective of the Basic Dimensions of Teaching Quality. Theory and Practice in Language Studies,11(10), 1131-1145.
  2. Sanfo, M. B. J. (2021). Connecting family, school, gold mining community and primary school students’ reading achievements in Burkina Faso – A three-level hierarchical linear model analysis. International Journal of Educational Development, 84 (2021), Advance online publication
  3. Truong, T.H., Ogawa, K. & Sanfo, J. (2021). Educational Expansion and the Economic Value of Education in Vietnam: An Instrument-free Analysis. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2 (2), 1-10.
  4. Sanfo, J.M.B. & Ogawa, K. (2021). Explaining the Rural-urban Learning Achievements Gap in Ethiopian Primary Education: A Re-centered Influence Function Decomposition using Young Lives Data”, Education Economics, 29(3), 269-297.
  5. Sanfo, M. B. J. (2020). Leaving no Place Behind: Community Participation and Primary School Students’ Learning Achievements in Burkina Faso’s Small-Scale Gold Mining Communities. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 1(2020)1-11.
  6. Sanfo, M. B. J. (2020). A Three-level Hierarchical Linear Model Analysis of the Effect of School Principals' Factors on Primary School Students' Learning Achievements in Burkina Faso. International Journal of Educational Research, 100 (2020), 1-11.
  7. Sanfo M.B. J. (2019). Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Determinants of Education Demand in Small-Scale Gold Mining Communities in Burkina Faso. Journal of Education and Practice, 10 (12), 119 – 131.


Professional/Academic Associations

- Japan Society for International Development (JASID)

- Japan Society of Afrasian Studies (JSAS)

- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)

- Japan Society for Africa Educational Research (JSAER)

- International Education Development Forum (IEDF)



  • Language skills: English (Native level) French: (Native level) Japanese: (Fluent)
  • Computer Skills: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Stata, Google Suite
  • Soft skills: Excellent communication, strong interpersonal skills, excellent teamworker, fast learner


Awards/ Scholarships

- Excellent Research Presentation Award at the 26th Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research Conference, September 2020.

- Excellent Research Presentation Award at the 24th Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research Conference, October 2019.

- Honjo International Scholarship, April 2017 to Mars 2020

- MEXT Teacher Training Scholarship/Japan, October 2013 to March 2015

- E-teacher Scholarship/ U.S. Department of State, Baltimore, USA, July to August 2011



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