Trang tin tức sự kiện

Le Thi Hong Diep

1. Personal information:

Full name:

Le Thi Hong Diep


Year of birth:


Lecturer, Faculty of Political Economics, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi


Foreign languages:

(84-4) 3754 7506 + ext.100

Office address:

No.144, Xuan Thuy road, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

2. Education:
  • 2010: Doctor, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Major: Political Economy.
  • 2004: Master, Training Center for Teachers of Political Theory, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Major: Political Economy.
  • 2000: University, VNU-UEB, Major: International Economy.

3. Working experience:

  • 10/2013 upto now: Lecture, Faculty of Political Economics, VNU-UEB.
  • 2001 - 9/2013: Lecturer, Training Center for Teachers of Political Theory, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

4. Research domain:

  • Political economics.
  • Development of human resources, high-quality human resources.
  • The relationship between development of high quality human resources for the process of industrialization and modernization of knowledge economy.
5. Publications:
5.1. Books:
  1. Le Thi Hong Diep, “Development of high quality human resources to meet construction requirements of knowledge economy in Vietnam”, VNU Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012.
  2. Co-Author, “Economic development trends of the time need to capture in the process of industrialization and modernization in Vietnam today”, Books “Vietnam working class in the industrialization and modernization and international integration", Vietnam National Political Publishing House, 2010.
  3. Co-Author, “Development policy for the knowledge economyof industrialization and modernization of Vietnam Communist Party”, Book: "Find out the role of the Communist Party of Vietnam revolution, Vietnam National Political Publishing House, 2005.

5.2. Articles, working papers (published on journals of science, yearbooks or conferences’ reports)

  1. Le Thi Hong Diep, “The requirements for human resoure in era of knowledge economy”, Electronic journal of communist party, No 77-2005.
  2. Le Thi Hong Diep, “The criteria for determining high quality human resource in Vietnam”, Journal of Political theory, No 8/2008.
  3. Le Thi Hong Diep, “Experiences on using talents to form the knowledge - based economy in Asian countries and some suggestions for Vietnam”, Journal of science, economics and business, Vietnam national universty, Hanoi, episode 25, No 1/2009.
  4. Le Thi Hong Diep, “Perspective of The Comminist Party on entrepreneurs through congress documents”, Electronic journal of communist party, published in April, 11th, 2012.
  5. Le Thi Hong Diep, Nguyen Manh Hùng, “The culture of Ho Chi Minh’utilizing people”, Culture and Arts Magazine, Number 349, July, 2013.

5.3. Research projects:

  1. Knowledge economic and the problem of developing human resource in Vietnam, VNU, 2003 - 2004, Chaired.
  2. Developing the Hight Quality Human Resource in the process of industrialization and modernizition in Vietnam, VNU, 2005-2006, Chaired.
  3. Raising the quality of human resource by higher education in Vietnam, VNU, 2008-2009, Chaired.
  4. Developing the entrepreneurs in process of forming the knowledge -based economy in Vietnam, VNU, 2009 - 2011, Chaired.
  5. Innovation in utilizing high quality of human resource in Vietnam, VNU, 2011 - 2013, Chaired.

6. Other information on scientific activities:
       Post graduate supervision: 04


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