Trang tin tức sự kiện

General introduction of student affair at VNU

Apart from the systems of functional offices and departments in charge of student affairs, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) has developed several units aiming at supporting students with their studies, scientific research and enhancing their extra-curricular activities in order to improve their social skills, such as Student Support Center, Center for Training Support and Development of University Town, Library and Information Center, Physical Training and Sports Center.

Ho Chi Minh’s Communist YouthUnion and Student Union have organized various activities to encourage students to get more engaged in studies and research. There are 37 student clubs at VNU (Hanoi) now, 25 of them are active learning clubs (including Mandarin Club, Chemistry Club, Public Speaking Club, Press Club, Table Tennis Club…)

Student work aims at educating and training well-rounded people, practically supporting students to improve morality, dignity and life skills to become high-quality human resources in order to meet social demands.

It is expected in 2015 that VNU constituents will be able to train world-standard human resources with 100% students graduated (bachelors, engineers, doctors, masters and PhD) with virtuous characters, knowledge and skills suitable to social demands. 25% of students of science, technology and econonmics, 15% of students of other disciplines are to reach international standards so as to be eligible to continue their studies, research and work in any countries all over the world.

VNU is one of the nation’s leading institutions in organizing student’s scientific research. Students of VNU have been highly rewarded with high quality research, a number of which got published in leading scientific journals both inside and outside the country.

Education and propaganda to provide students with firm political and ideological practice has received special attention. In the movement to follow Ho Chi Minh Moral Example and reverse negative phenomena in education, VNU constituents have generated lots of initiatives in which students’ academic and personal enrichment have opportunities to prosper, and annually nearly 150 students are admitted to the Vietnam Communist Party VCP.

Scholarships from domestic or foreign organizations and individuals have been increasing year by year. Annually, the total value of scholarship is estimated at 3.5 billion VND allocated to nearly 500 students to support and encourage them in their studies.

In recent years, nearly 1000 foreign students enroll to study and research at VNU, mostly in USSH and ULIS. Vice versa, hundreds of students of VNU (Hanoi) have been rewarded to study abroad in institutions of VNU’s cooperative network. Students of VNU have joined several useful activities to develop themselves to maintain their prestigious school name.



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