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Vietnam National University, Hanoi climbs position in THE Impact Rankings 2022

On 28th April, 2022, Times Higher Education (THE) announced the ranking results of THE Impact Rankings. This is a ranking that uses the pioneering implementation of the United Nations' 17 sustainable development goals as a criterion to rank higher education institutions globally. This year, VNU is ranked 601-800 worldwide, along with other Vietnamese educational institutions such as Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Ton Duc Thang University, Phenikaa University and three newcomer: Duy Tan University, FPT University and National Economics University.

THE Impact Rankings aim to measure the success of higher education institutions in implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (effective since 2016). Global call to action with the goal of building a peaceful, judicial and prosperous society. In other words, this ranking evaluates the impact and contribution of educational institutions to social development, human development, and environmental protection.

In the 2022 ranking period, out of 1406 higher education institutions from 106 countries and territories (an increase of 228 institutions compared to 2021) ranked in THE Impact Rankings, VNU continues to participate in the ranking. at 7 SDGs with the following specific results:

- SDG 4. Quality Education: VNU belongs to the group of 201-300 out of 1180 participating educational institutions.

- SDG 5: Gender Equality: VNU is in the group of 201-300 out of 938 participating educational institutions.

- SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth: VNU belongs to group 301-400 out of 849 participating educational institutions.

- SDG 17: Partnership for the goals: VNU belongs to group 801-1000 out of 1406 participating educational institutions.


VNU's ranking score in 2022 is 61, an increase of 10.6 points compared to 2021 (50.4 points). Specifically, VNU's SDGs are scored for ranking as shown below:


In 2020, Vietnam only has 2 higher education institutions present in this Ranking, then in In 2021 there are 4 ranked institutions, and in 2022 there are 7 ranked institutions. Specifically: Hanoi National University (position 601-800), Ton Duc Thang University (position 601-800), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (position 601-800), and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (position 601-800). Phenikaa (position 801-1000), and 3 new educational institutions ranked in 2022: Duy Tan University (position 601-800), National Economics University (position 601-800) and University of Science and Technology. FPT University (position 801-1000).

>>> Click here to read the news in Vietnamese. 

UEB Media


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